
Bad Boys: Whats The Appeal?

Bad Boys... Just the title makes me roll my eyes so hard I'm scared they wont return back to their normal position and I'll be left looking like a cross eyed Justin Timberlake... *Sigh*....

I am referring to the stereotypical 'Bad Boys' that many Women tend to run towards like Pigs off a cliff... Ultimately to their own self-destruction. The kind of Man that takes the concept of 'Treat them mean to keep them keen' to a whole new level.  The kind you see walking around with a chip on their shoulders because Daddy didn't stick around long enough to see their testicles drop and say 'Well done Son. You made it'. Or maybe Mummy didn't say 'I love you' enough? Either way, I'm talking about the Men out there that act like the world is SO hard and they have been through SO much, so they have some sort of excuse to act like a moody toddler when they don't get their way in life. Meh... So far I don't see the appeal...

Maybe its the whole 'Rebel' attitude Women are drawn too? Bearing in mind that these Men are not REAL Rebels of course... You know, the kind legends are made of. The type that stood up against oppressive, corrupt, discriminating and racist societies to create better futures for the generations to follow them... No, we are talking about the type of 'Rebel' that refused to go to school every day because he 'dont need english ya get me innit'... Or the type that will not bother getting a job because the Government are going to 'Get to much tax out of me'... So he would rather sit his fat ass at home, getting high and living off everyone else's Tax Contributions... Nice.

Perhaps its the old age attraction to an 'Alpha Male' then? Bearing in mind that these Men are not REAL Alpha Males of course... You know, the type Love songs are made of. The type that take charge when it comes to the well being of those around them. The kind of Men that do everything in their power to make sure the Woman in their life is completely taken care of, emotionally and physically... No, we are talking about the type of 'Alpha Male' that thinks no one else's opinion matters or means anything. The type that thinks getting drunk and punching the nearest person smaller than themselves in the face (Sometimes this 'smaller person' happens to be the girlfriend in the equation)... Somehow reinforces his manhood and makes him feel powerful and in control... Nice.

Maybe its the natural nurturing instinct Woman are blessed with (sometimes cursed with)... That makes them want to 'Save' hopeless Men like the ones I am describing and turn them into some sort of productive Human Being. Who knows... I could go on for DAYS addressing every possible reason so many Women choose (I say 'choose' because it IS a CHOICE..)... To subject themselves to emotional disappointment and sometimes physical harm too.

At the end of the day... Only Women with low self esteem and a lack of self confidence and self worth seem to end up with 'Bad Boys'. That is saying something right? No self respecting, strong minded, confident Woman goes for the type of Men I have described in this post, so don't you think if YOU tend to end up with that kind, something isn't quite right?

If you find yourself in the endless cycle of making bad decision after bad decision when it comes to your choice of Men... Here is what you must do...

1. STAY SINGLE... And then do the following...

2. Become an introspective person. Honestly look at yourself from the inside out, instead of the outside in... Figure out what you truly need from a relationship instead of focusing purely on what you want.

3. Look back at your past boyfriends. Figure out what attracted you to them... If you look deeper than just the physical attraction, you should soon see that you have been only going for what you want instead of what you actually need and deserve. For example, you may settle for someone quickly because you WANT to feel wanted and loved now... When really what you NEED to do is wait until someone deserving comes along that can give you more than just temporary satisfaction.

4. Realise that unless you make a concious effort to stay away from bad influences and situations that surround you with 'Bad Boys'... You will continue to leave yourself venerable to repeating the same mistakes.

5. Do things to boost your self esteem. You must take part in activities that will give you a sense of achievement and progress in life, whether that be pursuing higher education, workings towards that job promotion at work, joining some sort of social club or taking up a new hobby. Whatever it is, make sure its positive and time consuming.

Implementing these 5 steps will help you, over time, build up a strong foundation of self worth and by doing so, will help raise your standards. If you value yourself, then people that don't place on you the same value, will become unattractive to you, and at the risk of sounding arrogant... Even beneath you! You will start giving time and affection to Men that warrant it. To Men that wok hard for your love and continue to make you feel like you have finally... Made the RIGHT choice. You at least owe it to yourself to try.