
Its Ok To Embrace Your White Side FOOL!

*Sigh*… I have noticed that there seems to be 1 common problem a large majority of Mixed Raced (Predominately White/Black African/West Indian Mixes) seem to suffer from… We cast aside our White side! Why do we do this? Why do we shun one half of our cultural background? In Urban Culture, It seems embracing and showing personality traits, commonly associated with the ‘White’ stereotype, are seen as generally a negative thing, something that can lead to being looked down upon, laughed at, verbally abused and even being exiled from certain social groups.

Why is it acceptable to cast aside the White side of your background but not the Black side? Why is there no balance? Is it simply because being ‘Black’ is in fashion? Is it ‘cool’ to be ethnic or mixed? Perhaps… Which in that case implies it is just a passing fad… I can live with that, I guess… All I know is that the majority of the people I have in mind while writing this post have been raised by there WHITE Mother and where abandoned for some reason or another by there Black parent, but yet they cling to there Black roots & sweep there White culture under the carpet, as if having Black in them has been the best thing that’s ever happened to them…

Now I am not implying all Black people abandon there children, I wouldn’t even dream of such a thing. I myself have in fact have been raised by a strong, beautiful Black woman…. However, my Mum always took the time to educate me on both cultures, she made sure I knew I was a beautiful mix of culture, history, colour and life experience. That I understood that just being alive, was testament to the ability people have within them to not just tolerate, but accept and embrace other cultures. That love has no boundary or limitation, it does not discriminate. I am truly blessed, unfortunately most people do not have the luxury of great parenting… I am aware of this… So maybe the blame lies with Parents?

My advice:
People NEED to start realising that doing nothing but focusing on your Black roots does not make you cool, fashionable or educated… It makes you just as ignorant as the Nazi that keeps playing ‘Heil Hitler’ at full volume down the road from me. To become a complete person, to understand who you are and where you have come from, you must actively embrace EVERYTHING about you and your family history. Take time to learn about your Black AND your White side. They are just as important as each other and you can learn just as much from each one. Take time to explore every little grove and crevice in the foundation that makes YOU who you are. Only once you look within and search for the true meaning of being ‘Culturally/Racially Educated’ will you realise, that just being you is what life is about, not trying to look like what you see on MTV and BET… #JustSaying

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