
FACT: 99% Of The Worlds 'Haters' Do NOT Exist!

Ok. I am at my wits END right now! I am truly sick of seeing Tweets and Facebook status updates that contain phrases similar to these:
Hi Hater'
'Haters Make Me Famous'
'Haters Are Just Misguided Fans'
'I Love A Hater'
'The More Haters You Got The Stronger Your Grind'

Fool sit down PLEASE! WHY has it suddenly become fashion to have 'haters'? WHY? To many people, it seems to represent some form of success or achievement. I guess it works on the basis, that if you have 'haters', its because you have something to 'hate' on, right? In other words, you must have something other people don't, attracting jealously, negativity and all sorts of potentially de-motivating attention.

Ok, that's fine I guess. I can understand, respect and maybe even relate to that concept. However... Many of the people I see complaining about this influx of 'hating', don't seem like the kind of people anyone would have anything to be jealous about. I mean, most of you look like the kid in high school that sat at the front of the class getting pens thrown at there oddly shaped heads whilst being called names that would savage the self esteem of even the most confident among us!

Now, we all know Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other social  networking sites, give people the power to re-invent themselves online. At home/work/school you can be the outcast, the lonely one that has no friends or love life, whilst online, be the CEO of your own company, have 4 girlfriends that fight over who is going to cook you breakfast in the morning and be up for a Grammy nomination but there has to be some sort of, back to reality inducing slap for these people RIGHT?!?

*Sigh... Snaps Out Of Rant*

Anyway... What I am trying to say is... PLEASE take a long hard look in the mirror and at your life, before claiming to be harassed by 'haters'. It is abundantly obvious that 99.8% of you have 0 'haters' because you honestly have '0' to be envious about...

Hmmm... Now, is it not ironic though, that just by posting my opinion on this, every human being my opinion applies to... Will now label me a 'hater'? (@_@)

*Jumps Head First Off Bridge*

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