
TC's ' Love's Assassin' Mixtape Review

A masterful display of mind bending vocal control and tonality, range that would make most Women want to tear out and pummel their vocal chords to oblivion with a sledge hammer... An emotional, relevant, fluid writing style & enough personality to fill the heads of a thousand 'industry puppets'. That my friends, is what Tiyon Christian aka 'TC' brings to the table of Music.

For too long now we have had to deal with the bland and tasteless offering of rotten vegetables the Music Industry has become all too accustomed to force feeding us, but now... Now their is hope! TC's mixtape 'Love's Assassin' has given me LIFE since its release date, April 21st this year. There is something truly special about this 'meat feast' TC has decided to bless us with...

It is more than just his incredible vocal prowess that continues reaching greater heights every time he steps into the studio, its his ability to write Music that connects and relates to every aspect of life we may experience regardless of gender, upbringing, race, or where we live in the world. Anybody and everybody will find something to admire, respect and value about his artistry.

I refuse to talk about this anymore! I am purposely not going to go into any specific detail about the songs featured on the mixtape, or why just writing this post has me CONVULSING from withdrawal symptoms from my favourite song aptly named 'Love's Assassin' on this masterpiece of a mixtape that surpasses most R&B album releases in the last DECADE!

Follow this link to download the 'Holy Grail' of R&B for yourself so you too can become a TC addict -> http://www.makeahsound.com/ <- Thank me later...

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