
'Black Girls Are 'Least' Attractive': Daily Star Headline Incites Predictable Backlash!

WHAT was the Daily Star thinking when it chose this as a headline? I mean, it makes sense in terms of grabbing immediate attention, but with an already slurred reputation for being seedy and misinformed, you would think the newspaper would take a little more care in handling its Public Image right? WRONG!

The funny thing about it is... The headline is misleading. Those that actually take the initiative to READ the article, instead of just jumping on the Bandwagon of Hate that seems to be riding till the wheels fall off on most social networking sites, will see that the Daily Star is actually fighting against the offensive statement and attempting to disprove the claims made by Satoshi Kanazawa, a controversial Psychologist. 

I would not go so far as to deem the statement made by Satoshi Kanazaw as racist or discriminative... I do actually believe that through some weird and slightly misguided form of research, he has ended up with the results that Black Women are in fact, less attractive than those of the lighter persuasion... I guess socially, you could argue that she is right. I mean lets be honest, White European Women are held in higher esteem by most stereotypical standards, than Black Women. Its not right, but that's how it is and has been for a long time now... Its called social conditioning.

On a Human level OF COURSE Black Women are not less attractive than any other race of Women. If we looked at peoples personal opinions, I would like to think that beauty is NOT determined by the colour of skin, but by an individuals personal preference, judging purely on each individuals physical attributes. Lets just hope that's how it is in 2011... The modern era of interracial relationships and the letting go of racial stereotypes and prejudice... 


  1. Black women are gorgeous. Ironically that nutcase is a psychologist, he needs to check himself out for Hitler syndrome! Racist douche

    no offence

  2. Foolish statement by a headline-grabber. Attractiveness is personal and different to all - otherwise we'd all be chasing the same girls. Good stuff G
