
Same Sex Cheating: Is There A Difference?

In the last few weeks I have had quite a few, perhaps to many, conversations regarding cheating. What constitutes 'cheating'? What would be forgiveable and what wouldn't be? Questions like these are pretty common and the answers usually depend on each individuals own ability to cope with different levels of what I would refer to as 'betrayal'. For example, someone may forgive their partner kissing someone else, in fact they may not even think it a big deal, but they would draw the line at full sex, whilst others consider any sort of romantic/sexual interaction with another person, whether physical or mental, as a deal breaker in a relationship.

There does seem to be one particular grey area in the subject of 'Cheating' that perhaps is not discussed enough though... What happens if your partner cheats on you with the same sex? Some, what I would call 'Typical' Men, would be a lot happier knowing their partner has cheated on them with a Woman, over a Man. I think its largely to do with the whole concept of competition. If she cheats with a Woman, at least she didn't cheat because another Man can satisfy her better than you can... She just wants something that you yourself enjoy, a Woman's touch. However, should this effect the way a person deals with being cheated on or diminish the seriousness of infidelity? I'm not too sure...

I personally  believe relationships are healthiest when kept between two people, without any direct interference from people outside the euphoric (sometimes painful), bubble of 'Love'. Emotions are hard to manage regardless of circumstance or how compatible two people are without the added stress and worry that comes with having to share someone. As Human beings, I believe we desire and deserve complete devotion from the ones we love. Not to mention the piece of mind that comes with knowing your sexual health is not put at risk by a sexually, over ambitious partner sleeping with someone else.

All in all, allowing someone to stray, either knowingly or by not setting clear boundaries on what's acceptable and what's not, opens the door to a lot of potential pain and disappointment. I honestly believe those claiming to be happy letting their partner run wild and free around the neighbourhood are worried putting their foot down may put them at risk of loosing the person they cling to so desperately.

You deserve 100% devotion, love, commitment, peace of mind, honesty and loyalty. Never settle for any less...

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