
Love: Do We Need It?

Why do we find it so hard to 'Love'? To truly love and maintain that 'Love' for the rest of our lives? We grow up being read love stories by our parents, we watch scenarios of love and romance play out over and over again in films and television programs, we hear about it relentlessly in our favourite love songs, yet practically every single relationship I have ever witnessed has ended. There are exceptions of course, as in, I know of relationships that are still 'working', but even they seem to become weaker and continuously degrade as the years fly by.

Being in Love is the most beautiful sensation, emotion or feeling a Human Being can experience. It is one of the few aspects of being Human that help differentiate between us and the other life forms that inhabit our planet. We are blessed with the gift of 'Love', whether by nature or a divine presence is highly debatable, either way, we are blessed. However, it also seems to be the one thing that causes the most pain, anguish and hate on this planet. Great Men have become psychotic killers and neurotic lunatics because of a Woman and the feelings they harbour for her. Then, on the other hand, Mankind has achieved so much with the thrust of motivation and inspiration love can provide a person. From great art work to historic battles, love seems to be at the centre in one way or another, of every great 'Event' in mankind's history. The love of money, power, Women... Has perhaps been the most prominent denominator in everything relevant in history, to the way we conduct our own, individual lives.

I am specifically talking about the romantic 'Love' we all have grown to love and hate through our lives. So lets stick to that. I guess the first fundamental question to ask is, what is love? Its a question I get asked a lot and people seem to search the answer for the most. Some say its a heaven sent gift, a sign letting you know when you have found your 'other half' or life partner. Others say it is nothing more than a chemical imbalance that occurs in the brain when we come across someone that qualifies as a valid 'mate'. How can one person possibly define an emotion for over 6 billion people though? There cant be one definitive answer! I think love is completely down to perception. We all react differently to different things so its impossible to really elaborate on what love is or what creates the need to love in the first place. What works for one person, will not for another etc etc

We all want to be loved in some way or another. No matter how independent we are or how much we deny that we need someone, the fact of the matter is, being a Human Being automatically implants that 'Love me' quality in us. We all need reassurance, to feel like we are special, to belong, to feel part of someone, to feel wanted and needed, its only natural. Some need it more than others, of course, and go about acquiring it in different ways, but its always there.

As you can tell, this post is not going to give you the answers you seek, for I am but a Human Being too with the same fundamental flaws that prevent me from being truly objective in this subject matter (Lol). Hopefully this incites some debate....

I want your opinions. Why do you think its so important to us? Can we ever stop 'needing' Love? Can we truly be happy without it? What do you think...?

1 comment:

  1. tough one this...can't live without it can't live with it. Unreasonable expectations get in the way of love for me and the huge differences between men and women don't help either.
